Facebook is committed to help build safe, healthy and supportive digital communities. In order to do this, they have been thinking carefully about the skills and support that people need to:

  • build healthy relationships,
  • stay safe,
  • find greater wellbeing,
  • build resilience,
  • lead with empathy,
  • communicate across diverse cultures,
  • respect other perspectives,
  • think critically about how they contribute to society and
  • work together to make positive progress in communities around the world, online and off.

The result is their new digital citizenship and wellbeing program: Get Digital. The program includes research-based lessons and resources that will help young people develop the skills they need to become empowered digital citizens.

Get Digital provides educators, parents and care-givers lesson plans and activities organized around five pillars — Foundations, Wellness, Engagement, Empowerment and Opportunities– to help build the core competencies and skills young people need to navigate the digital world in safe ways.

To learn more about Get Digital, visit www.facebook.com/fbgetdigital.